Our values

All hands on deck! We embody a set of core values here at Glubbs, which define how we show up and what we stand for.


Have fun: We take our customers seriously and we take the environment seriously, but we do not take ourselves seriously. *Insert dramatic winky face.*


Do more good than harm: We understand that single-use plastics are causing harm to the environment, but in the interest of being safe and sanitary, are impossible to avoid. We are conscious of our place in the problem of single-use plastics, but through a culture of sustainability through biodegradability, we strive to offset the issues caused by single-use plastics.


Do the right thing:  Protecting the environment is the right thing.


Enjoy the journey: We’re in the habit of being present in the moment, from the problems we solve to the little moments we savor. The decision to be mindful informs the actions we take everyday at Glubbs. 


We Innovate: We like to get our hands dirty and think creatively. If it’s never been done before...we’re all over it.